Draw five circles with the largest in the center. In each of the circles, write one of the spiritual gifts that had a total score of seven or more. Begin with the center circle, identifying the gift that had the highest score. In the event of a tie, select the gift you feel you have used effectively in the past, or the one you think you might be most effective in. Then fill in the other circles with four of the remaining gifts. This group of gifts is your gift cluster.
Which gifts have you truly been blessed with? What surprises lie in your gifts cluster? How does this explain the way you have been operating as a person and as a Christian? How will this information change what you do?
Further understanding and confirmation of your gifts could involve the following:
Ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you while evaluating your gifts.
Become familiar with the scripture references, definitions, and how each gift functions within the body of Christ. This will provide you with a solid foundation from which to further evaluate your gifts.
Explore your feelings about each of the spiritual gifts in your cluster. Do they resonate as true for you, and seem evident in what you have accomplished or have interest in doing?
Track Your Results:
As you use your spiritual gifts, pay close attention to the results produced through your efforts. You can expect to experience positive results from the use of your gifts.
Listen for Affirmation:
As you use your spiritual gifts, listen for affirmation from others. They will recognize and confirm your spiritual gifts, through genuine expressions of approval and thankfulness for a job well done!
Put Your Gifts to Use:
In what types of roles and ministry will you be most effective? As you click on a gift, a web page will give you a description of that gift along with possible volunteer opportunities at Nativity. Your spiritual gifts do not appear and disappear as you pass through the doors of your church community. The gifts God has given you are with you always. They are meant to also be used in your daily life to bring glory to God and serve the needs of others. It might be helpful to make a list of some of the ways your gifts may be used at home with family, at school or work with colleagues and peers, and within your community.
Adapted from Gifts for You: Opening Your Spiritual Gifts and used here with permission. Copyright © 2011 Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Written by Valora K Starr. www.womenoftheelca.org/filebin/pdf/resources/SpiritualGifts.pdf