Children’s Music Ministry

Children’s Choirs:

During the school year, Children’s Choirs (Grades 1 – 6) will practice on Wednesday evenings, building community, sustaining learning and creativity, and preparing music for worship. Questions? Contact: Karla Reiland

Music Makers for kids in Grades 1-2 meets from 6:30-7:15pm

Music Mix for kids in Grades 3-6 meets from 7:00-8:00pm

Youth Bells for kids Grades 3 & up meets 6:20-7:30pm

Music Movers for kids 4 years old through kindergarten meets seasonally. These sessions are for family music making and an introduction to choir.  Questions? Contact: Karla Reiland

Musikgarten at Nativity is a musical experience designed to bring the joy of music to children ages 0-4 and their parent/caregiver. Children are naturally drawn to music, and music touches the whole child, supporting social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development. Classes are offered on Saturday mornings.

Fall 2024 Classes will start on Saturday, September 14. Cost is $120. Questions? Please contact Karla Reiland or to register, fill out the form below.

Nativity Children Music Ministry & Musikgarten Registration
Additional Student Information
Permission For Pictures Nativity uses photography and videography to promote and celebrate children's and youth events and programming. We will not name your child or children featured in promotional communications unless we have your express permission. If you are concerned about images of your child participating in Nativity activities appearing in Nativity press and web publications, please contact your child’s program coordinator.