Congregational Meeting for Election of Council and Approval of 2022 Budget


A Congregational Meeting will be held December 4-5, 2021. We will meet in person after each worship hour and will offer a Zoom option at 11:45 am on December 5. You can join at with Meeting ID: 854 5221 2807 and Passcode: 703636, or you may use the direct link offered below.

The purpose of the meeting is to approve the proposed 2022 budget and to elect Council Officers and new Council Members. In the Commons you’ll find brochures introducing each person involved in this year’s Council election.

Topic: Congregational Meeting for Election of Council and Approval of 2022 Budget
Time: Dec 5, 2021 11:45 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting: CLICK HERE

Meeting ID: 854 5221 2807
Passcode: 703636

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Meeting ID: 854 5221 2807
Passcode: 703636

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