Suspension of “face to face” activities at Nativity began March 13, 2020 to do our part in honoring God, following Jesus and caring for one another. Thank you for doing your part.
We are learning new ways to be church. I am grateful for the many who are dedicating themselves to make this happen. We would like to know about your experience online and are asking for your feedback. A short survey for your feedback is in the works.
I am also grateful for the generous giving of the Nativity community. Needs are great and giving is below what is needed. Something for you to consider…
I know many of you are awaiting the first stimulus checks $1,200 for individuals, $2,400 for couples, $500 per child in the household, I also know that some of you may not need the money or only a portion of it. I have decided that I will donate my stimulus check to Nativity, to be used to care for people. Many of you have told me that you will join me in doing the same. I invite you to prayerfully consider giving a portion or all of your stimulus check to Nativity or other non-profits.
During this time of “stay at home” I have heard how important our faith community is. To honor our community and stay connected, Nativity staff, council and volunteers will contact all households connected with Nativity. The goal: to let every household know we care, by checking in by email, phone or text, asking how things are going, asking if there are things Nativity can help with, sharing resource information if needed and what prayers might be needed. This will begin shortly, so if you see an email, text or receive a voice message with the words “checking in”, would you please reply.
Lastly, In regard to when we can meet face to face, at this time, It is the policy of Nativity Lutheran Church to suspend all face to face activities during the “stay at home mandate”. No weddings, funerals, baptisms or worship will be conducted in the building during this time. Pastors, at their discretion, can conduct online weddings, funerals, baptisms or worship. Nativity Lutheran Church will abide by the orders of Minnesota Governor and MN Department of Health in determining when it is safe to hold activities on site.
Nativity Child and Family Center is open to support critical and essential workers as requested by the Governor, following CDC and DMH guidelines to provide safety for children, their families and staff. The center is accepting new children to help provide childcare at this critical time.