Below are the names of those we pray for this week.
If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here: www.nativitychurch.org/prayer-request/, or call (612) 781-2766.
The following names were correct as of February 17, 2023:
Prayers of Healing for:
Joel Setterholm, Sharon Wyberg, Goldie Taber, Jim Voytovich, Roland DeFeyter, Roger King, Bob Burge, Janelle Soderberg, John Johnson, Joe Nesser, Paul Nielsen, Sue Lyon, Steve A., Rosemary S. and Suanne T., Jim Peterson, Beth Wajahn, Jill, Bill Burce.
Prayers of Serenity for Those in the Twilight of Life in Transition to Eternal Life:
Marlene Carlson, Patricia B., Virginia Peters, Francis O’Brien
Prayers of Comfort for Those Who Grieve:
For the family and friends of those who have recently died, including Ken Wyberg, Steve Reid, Jim Peterson, Ken Johnson, Jim Steinwand, Wilton Lobitz, Joan McMillan, and for the family and friends of those whose loved one has died during the coming week in years past, especially Doug Wannen, Ken Tryon, and Jim Pirino.
Prayers of Those Expecting the Arrival of a Child:
Isaac & Kaitlyn Johnson
Jake & Deanna Davies
Prayers of Thanksgiving for the Arrival of a Child:
William Henry Harper, son of Andrea & Chris Harper and grandson of Pat & Earl Hendricks, 2/2/23
Weston Mark Rehlinger, Great-Grandson of Bev & Gene Bjerkebek 11/30/22
Wesley Gerald Anderson, Grandson of Jim and Brenda Anderson 9/18/22
Tatum Therese to Mikayla & Lucas Taddonia 9/2/22
Prayers for Those Recently or Soon to be Baptized:
Daniel Nicholas, son of Lindsay & Nick Carideo 12/23/22
Lily May, daughter of Nick & Jasmine Carlblom 1/8/23
Caroline M. Kirchmann, daughter of Kaitlyn & Ethan 1/15/23
Benjamin Hugo LaMoore, son of Morgan & Angela LaMoore 2/12/23
EJ Caines, son of Mageen & Brian Caines 2/26/23
Lena Lois Fischer, daughter of Todd & Whitney Fischer 3/12/23
Prayers for Those Recently or Soon to Be Married:
Mackenzie Hudak & Allan Scherschligt 11/19/22
Sarah Weatherman & Jay Zachman 4/15/23
Laura Modl & Travis Uecker 5/20/23
Makayla Anderson & Zach Eicher 5/26/23
Blair Eckman & Joe Wehr 6/17/23
Shauna Dean & Robert O’Brian 8/4/23
Nina Cecere & Jackson Zeiler 9/15/23
Sophie Anderson & Tyler Sutherland 10/13/23
Steve Karschnia & Isabel Kleinschmidt Garcia 6/1/24
Emily Onken & Nicholas Steen 10/19/24
Dan Spenny & Connie Nelson