Weekend Prayers – December 4-5, 2021



Below are the names of those we pray for this week.
If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here: www.nativitychurch.org/prayer-request/, or call 612.781.2766.

The following names were correct as of December 3rd, 2021:

Prayers of Healing for:

Joan Wicklund, Dave Beaman, Brian Bradway, Sheldon Christensen, Goldie Taber, Jack Campbell, Pete LeBak, John Sorenson, Joyce Lind, Steve Beaman, Joel Setterholm, Lorraine Boyce, Joel Anderson, Jim Pirino, Marilyn Eberlein, Jim Steinwand, Jim Holden, Wayne Geist, Sue Lyon, Allen & Sandy Draves, Heidi Anderson Isaacson, Judy Miller, Sandy Reid Walbon, Shay Tilander, Patty Taylor, Kathleen Worms, Jack Stouten, and Julie Bonde

Prayers of Comfort for Those Who Grieve:

For the family and friends of those who have recently died, especially the family and friends of Charlotte Erlandson, Ron Sonmore, Carolyn Buzza, Steve Trangsrud, Henry Crones Smith III, and for the family and friends of those who have died during the coming week in years past, the family and friends of Anne Popp, Michael Renner, Charles Becker, Ralph Huntosh, and Sandy Almlie

Prayers of Safety & Guidance for Those Serving in the Military & Prayers of Reassurance for Their Families:

Mason GumbinerNik Lomen, Luke Thompson, Tanner LaMotte, Kaku-Waaq Ephraim, Samuel Anderson, Brian & Jeanette Chaffee, Katie Lindman, Thomas Grimes, Leif Anderson, Paul Tombarge, Amanda Berg, Jesse Gorzynski, Nick Holten

Prayers for Those Expecting the Arrival of a Child:

Paul & Kayo Frederickson

Prayers of Thanksgiving for the Arrival of a Child:

Peter Aaron Horsager born to Phillip & Megan Horsager  8/29/21 

Anders to Nicholas & Jill Livingston 8/6/2021

Lily Mae to Jasmine & Nick Carlblom 8/2/21

Amelia George to Claire & George McFall 7/4/21

Hope Marie to Kyle & Janell Soderberg 1/31/21

Emily Lynn to Chad & Theresa Goodsell 12/5/20

Iris Jolou to Stephanie (Goodsell) Neuberger & Jacob Neuberger 11/24/20

Nora Jane, granddaughter of Earl & Pat Hendricks

Neil Phillip to Aaron & Abigail Horsager 10/23/20

Stanley Daniel to Stephanie & Dan Smith 10/17/20

Audrey Eva to Kip & Stacy Childers 10/12/20

Aidan Kaufman to Sarah Kaufman 9/18/2020

Prayers for Those Recently or Soon to be Baptized:

Audrey Eva Seeland Childers, daughter of Stacy & Kip Childers 11/6/21

Madeline Grace, daughter of Landon & Mara Ascheman 11/14/21

Jack William Engelhart, son of Rachel Erickson & John Engelhart 11/14/21

Annika Jewell Rekdal, daughter of Linnea & Scott 12/12/21

Raelyn Ella, daughter of Jimmy & Tammy Melland 12/12/21

Clara Ann Hladilek, daughter of Megan & Nathan Hladilek 12/26/21

Prayers for Those Recently or Soon To Be Married:

Jackie Bredsten & Spencer Olson 8/7/21

Amy Olander and Sabas Tabucol 9/17/2021

Tracey Kimball & Matt Parins 1/15/22

Sophie Anderson & Tyler Sutherland

Dan Spenny & Connie Nelson

Leah McDougal & Jake Pletscher

Please Note: We strive to list the prayer requests and names correctly. If a correction is needed or you would like a name removed or added please inform the church office at 612.781.2766.