A new Sunday morning Adult Faith Formation opportunity starts next week! Coinciding with Children’s Faith Formation during the 9:00 am worship service, Adult Faith Formation will meet from 9:15-10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Programming will conclude in time to pick up kids from Children’s Faith Formation.
Topics for the day (led by staff and lay leaders) will be announced in the Enews and in our 9:00 am worship. We’re excited to share a 3-week Advent series led by Nativity staff members Pat Hendricks, Deacon Kyle Soderberg, and Pastor Ben Shori.
Celebrate the first Sunday in Advent with a family-friendly, interactive look at the symbols and traditions of Advent and Christmas. Little-known facts will be featured. (Did you know the first Advent wreath was made from an old cartwheel?) Join us as Pat Hendricks leads us next Sunday, November 27, in the Fellowship Hall.