The Children, Youth and Family team at Nativity is pleased to announce that registration for all summer programs is now open! Nativity’s CYF team provides opportunities for families and children of all ages to explore their relationship with God and to find and celebrate community at Nativity and beyond.
Day Camps, Service and Learning Trips, Luther Park Camp, Summer Faith Formation classes, and Family Camp at Luther Park fill our summer with love, laughter, and learning. We want everyone to be able to access our programming, and scholarships are available. For questions, contact Renee Hoffman (Renee@NativityChurch.org) or Leah Reddy (Leah@NativityChurch.org).
Check out our offerings and register on our website: https://www.nativitychurch.org/learn-and-grow/summer-programs/.
To register for Luther Park or Family Camp, please visit http://www.lutherpark.com/.