With winter finally passed, it’s easier to linger and enjoy the church grounds, including the flowering crabapples, blooming tulips, and spring planters. You may also notice one special feature you might have missed since its installation this February: Nativity’s new Little Library!
Nativity member Foster Quehl built and installed the Little Library this winter as an Eagle Project, a capstone for the challenging honor of Eagle Scout rank. Foster believed the Little Library project could help “connect the community in yet another way” and could “be used to start conversations or as a form of outreach” in the neighborhood.
Foster’s leadership in the project began when he approached Director of Public Ministry, Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy, in late summer to propose the idea. She immediately offered her full support. Foster completed several rounds of paperwork with the Boy Scouts for the project and obtained a grant for its construction from Thrivent. After that, Foster says, it was building, painting, and installing (pictured) the library. “I think it turned out even better than I planned or expected,” he notes.
We’re grateful for Foster’s vision and for the gifts of his leadership and dedication in serving Nativity and the greater community.
If you’d like to donate to Nativity’s Little Library, you can learn more about requested topics and recommendations on our website HERE.