In-person worship resumes beginning May 29-30. Worship will be held at our regular times of Saturdays at 5:30 PM and Sundays at 8, 9 & 10:30 AM.
We are taking it slow as we re-enter worship life together. It takes time to reorient and adjust to being with people again. So people are asked to wear masks and remain socially distanced by households.
Conversation with friends is encouraged but we encourage people to do so outside, weather permitting.
Worship Need to Knows
Singing is permitted with masks.
Handshaking is discouraged.
Offering plates will not be passed, receptacles for your offering will be at the doors of the worship space. Electronic giving is encouraged.
Communion will be offered with prepackaged bread and grape juice on the first and third weekends of each month at all worship hours.
Faith Formation for Children will be offered three times per month outside in the West (largest) parking lot throughout the summer, and outdoor worship for families with young children will be offered once a month. The West parking lot will be reserved for faith formation families on Sundays. Children will not gather up front for Time with Children.
Kid Zone in the Commons will not be available. Families are encouraged to bring their own crayons and activities for children. Families may watch worship from the Commons while practicing social distancing.
Food Hospitality will not be offered in the building but will be offered outside. Online worship will continue. All worship hours will be live-streamed. The 10:30am worship will be archived online. To watch live stream, you can go directly to our Youtube channel or view through the Live Stream page on our website:
Please remember that these practices and procedures may change as we review, learn and adapt.
We look forward to worshipping together in person