Property Purchase Resolution Vote


Members of Nativity met this weekend following each worship hour to discern whether to purchase an adjoining property, 2921 33rd Avenue.

The resolution to purchase the property has passed. A total of 129 votes were cast with 114 “yes” votes, 14 “no” votes, and one abstention. A quorum of 100 people is required by Nativity’s constitution.

The meetings provided open discussion both for and against the resolution. The process was intentional and honorable for all involved, and it fully complied with Nativity’s constitutional mandates. Thank you to President Karen Volker and Vice President Donna Steinwand for their leadership.

Here are the next steps in the process. The Council Treasurer and the Business Administrator will make a recommendation to Nativity Council regarding the most prudent financing option for the purchase. The Council will then inform the congregation about the financing decision.

Thank you to all who were present for the congregational meeting this weekend and all who have otherwise participated in the process of discernment around this decision.