Many of you know that I have been working full time for Nativity as the Marketing/Creative Director for a little over 3 years… and as a consultant for a number of years prior. As of May 24, 2021 I will be stepping back and greatly reducing my role.
I strongly believe that, in order to grow as individuals and as professionals we need to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. I love working with the team at Nativity, I have learned a tremendous amount over the last 3+ years, and now I have an opportunity to continue my servant leadership and continue my personal and professional growth with Senior Housing Partners (the development arm of Presbyterian Homes & Services). I have accepted the position of Creative Services Director and I will join their team full time on May 24th.
Although my role will be greatly reduced, I am committed to working with the Nativity Strategic Leadership team, staff, volunteers, and community members to ensure that we maintain the high level of communication and transparency that we all have come to rely on.
I will continue to support our community in a reduced (part time) role as marketing/creative director as we take the necessary time to review this role further define and clarify what this role should be as we move forward. Senior Pastor Glenn Seefeldt and our strategic leadership team are committed to ensuring we have the right people, in the right seats to best serve our community and to be good stewards.
My wife (Heidi) and I have been members for over 20 years. Our children (Emma, Spencer, and Evan) were baptized and grew up at Nativity. My wife has served on the church council and we have done Sunday morning hospitality for 20 years. My son Spencer has been helping with worship A/V and my other son Evan has helped out with custodial duties and with snow removal. Needless to say, Nativity is our home church and always will be. Nativity is not just where we go on Sunday, it is truly a part of who we are as individuals and as a family.
I want to thank the entire Nativity Staff and the larger Nativity family for all of your support and friendship over the years. I am a better person because of all of you.
This is not goodbye.
-Tom Heller