We invite the community to visit the Prayer Shawl group after worship in the Commons to learn about their caring and supportive ministry at Nativity.
The Prayer Shawl group at Nativity has many talented knitters and crocheters. We make prayer shawls for those going through difficult life events. If you know of someone who would be comforted by a prayer shawl, the contact information is listed below. We also make baby blankets for baptisms that you see given during services. In addition, we make lap blankets, scarves, and mittens.
There are several ways you can be a part of or help our group:
- Join us!
- Make shawls and baby blankets on your own to donate.
- Donate extra yarn that you already have, or
- Buy new yarn to donate.
We meet the last Tuesday of every month from 6:30-8:00pm in the Commons near the fireplace. We have a short devotion and then work on our projects and enjoy social time. We have yarn and patterns, and we can teach you to knit or crochet. All are welcome to join. We hope to see you there!
(Contact: Marcy Sorensen at (612) 327-9266 or email: john_sorensen@Comcast.net)