During the week of July 26-29, 2021, Kids Create Camp welcomed 25 elementary school students to celebrate the theme “Shine.” Leah Reddy led an enthusiastic group of students and teachers through a week of learning and creating. Students learned about the significance that light plays in Christian, Hindu and Jewish traditions from guest speakers Tori Setterholm, Yamini Jha-Korman, and Vicki Svanoe. Each religious tradition was accompanied by a creative project (rolling playdoh into bakery shapes, making “fireworks” in a test tube, and designing unique washi tape menorahs). We talked a lot about how we can let our light shine for others!
Guest teacher Shawn Holt brilliantly led musical activities in the Sanctuary, while Autumn Collins led dance activities outside. Autumn also gave a beautiful ballet demonstration. Stellar Nativity youth Alex Bailey and Nathan Tomas co-taught drama to round out the creative programming. In lieu of a musical performance at the end of the week, we welcomed magician Brian Richards, whose tricks and storytelling filled the sanctuary with delighted smiles and laughter.
A huge thank you to all participating families, teachers, volunteers, guest speakers, Nativity and NCFC staff for helping make such a fun experience possible. You are lights!