Do you know who’s on Nativity’s Reconciling in Christ Core Team? Get to know the group in this new video series where team members introduce themselves, share why they joined the RIC Core Team, and answer LGBTQ+ questions important to them.
Sherri Truchinski also serves on the RIC Core Team.
On March 16, Nativity Council approved the formation of a small group (Core Team) to begin leading Nativity through the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Program; a program of ReconcilingWorks. The RIC Program is a way for faith communities to ensure the welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions in the Lutheran church.
The RIC journey is an intentional and extensive process of transparency, education, dialogue, learning, and growing led by a Core Team.
You can learn more about the RIC Program and ReconcilingWorks at its website: reconcilingworks.org. You can also stop by the RIC Core Team table in the Commons, where you can find educational and devotional resources. If you have questions about the RIC Program, please contact Pastor Ben at ben@nativitychurch.org.