Jesus Says GO! (but not out of your house….)
Join Miss Renee as we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead and celebrating with His friends!
Music Time
Sing “Hello Hello”
“Ho Ho Ho Hosanna”
“Joy of the Lord”
Story Time
Read “The Great Commission” in the Spark Story Bible on page 396
Have a movie party & watch Squiggles in “The Sparkhouse Story of Easter”
Rent the full movie HERE (it’s $3 to rent, email me if you’d like help getting it)
Watch the trailer:
Story Playtime!
Practice sharing God’s love and Jesus’ peace by texting a video of “passing the peace” to family or friends.
Play “Jesus Says GO”. Take turns playing Jesus and tell other Jesus say GO fast, Jesus say GO hop, etc
Click HERE to download color & activity sheets!
Families with Babies & Toddlers
Try the same activities, nothing makes people God’s love like seeing a video of your cute little little!
Pray Together
Try the Jesus Prayer again!
“Jesus thank you for
Coming to Earth (bring hands over head and back down)
Loving us (make a hug with arms)
Saving us (make a cross with arms or fingers)
And living in my heart (make a heart with hands)
Bless Each Other
Point everywhere
Say “Jesus says GO share His peace”