Each week you will find resources to help create inspiration for doing social justice and advocacy at home.
Come see our new FACEBOOK GROUP and see other creative ways to connect with each other!
Simple Acts of Kindness
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Desmond Tutu
I’ve always been a big believer in the little things, those tiny moments that are the building blocks of something else. Sometimes it’s those little things that mean the most, because they shape the world around us, and make it what it is. It hink it’s easy to feel small, or insignificant, but whether we notice it or not we can and do affect the things around us. We also have the ability to decide what kind of impact wemake, and I think that is a pretty powerful thing. This week focus on being a Caring Superhero by a simple act of kindness.
This week join in on thanking our postal workers, grocery, package and food delivery people for bringing your deliveries while we are at home. Watch the video below to find out how to make a CARE BOX to set at your front door. Share your photo on our Social Justice & Advocacy Group Page
**NOTE**The CDC, World Health Organization, and Surgeon General have indicated that there is currently no evidence that COVID-19 is being spread through the mail.
We are looking for Caring Superheroes to write letters or draw pictures for residents who are in quarantine at a local Elder Care Facility and letters for elders from Nativity as well. Be a Caring Superhero and send some cheer!
Contact our Minister of Social Justice & Advocacy- Kelly Sherman-Conroy kelly@nativitychurch.org and let her know you would like to help. She will connect you with a name(s) of a person(s) you will write to for 4 weeks.
You have two choices:
- Receiving a packet in the mail of stamped envelopes with instructions how to return your message of love and caring.
- Scanning and emailing your drawings and letters to be emailed to the facility to hand out. Instructions will be included.
Let Kelly know how many names you would like to have to write to. We have a lot of people that can use some cheer and will be adding more names.
Today you are going to do “KINDNESS PRAYERS.”
Take your hand and make a heart together with your thumb and your finger next to your thumb and create a mini-heart. (see image) And say this prayer:
Dear God,
May we always be
Kind to each other
At home
And to everyone else.