Winter Family Faith Formation – Feb 4
Join us each week as well follow and celebrate the life of Jesus!
Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all!
Welcome Video
Worship Together
Share in some faith practices of worship together!
Shine a Light: Light a candle and sing
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine! This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine! This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine!
Sing: Thank You, God for Giving Us Life
Offering: How can you make an offering today?
Give Thanks: Recite this new prayer: Dear God, give me ears to listen. Eyes to see. A mouth that speaks compassionately. Hands that help. Feet that turn. A heart to love and a mind to learn. Amen.
Read the Bible Together
Read this week’s God’s Great Story in the children’s Bible for your child’s age.
Spark Story Bible – Jesus Heals
Mark 5:21-24, 35-43.
Talk About It!
Have fun asking question for all your family members!
Have you ever been really sick? What was that like for you? What was that like for your family? Did you have faith that you would get well again? Today, we will read about a man named Jairus. His daughter was very sick, and he came to Jesus for help. He had faith that Jesus could make his daughter well again.
Digging Deeper (great topics for Upper Elementary): Have you ever been really sick? What was that like for you? What was that like for your family? Did you have faith that you would get well again? Today, we will read about a man named Jairus. His daughter was very sick, and he came to Jesus for help. He had faith that Jesus could make his daughter well again.
Family Activity
Activity 1: Jesus Gives Us Life Ask kids to find a space to lie down on the floor. They must lie completely still until you say, “Here comes Jesus.” If they are moving or talking, they are “out” until the next round. Say, “Here comes Jesus.” Then the first kid to jump up and say, “Jesus gives us life!” is the winner. They can be “it” for the next round.
Activity 2: Act Out the Story Using a stuffed animal or doll, tuck it into your child’s bed. You can pretend to cry and ask Jesus to please help. Whoever is pretending to be Jesus can say, “Little girl, get up.” Get the doll/animal out of bed and hug it, kiss it, and say, “Thank you, Jesus!”
Pray Together
“Dear God, We have faith that you can do great things. Jesus healed Jairus’ daughter to show us what heaven is like. Thank you for loving us so much. Amen.“
Bless Each Other
At the end of your time, give each other a special blessing to remember one of God’s promises.
Gently tap each other and say “your love is so healing!”