Weekend Prayers – June 6 & 7, 2020



Below are the names of those we pray for this week.
If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form here: www.nativitychurch.org/prayer-request/, or call 612.781.2766.

The following names were correct as of June 5, 2020:

Prayers of Healing for:

Jerry Schore, Crystal Vines, Tim, Myron “Stub” Getter, Joe Porto, Dick Tjosvold, Linda Bradbury, Becky Schilling, Norma Olson, Charlie Hockert, Harland Walbon, Gary Gunderson, Greg Theisen, Janet Nemmers, Carolyn Buzza, Vicki Quick.

Prayers of Healing for those struggling with Covid –19:

Bruce Lee, Fay Louise Stoltz, Karen Nelson, Janet Shafer.

Prayers of Comfort for Those Who Grieve:

For the family and friends of George Floyd, Gislee Norby, Judithe Heffron, and for the family and friends of those who have died during the coming week in years past, especially Iris Seefeldt, Ellie Anderson,

Prayers of Safety & Guidance for Those Serving in the Military & Prayers of Reassurance for Their Families:

Nik Lomen, Luke Thompson, Tanner LaMotte, Kaku-Waaq Ephraim, Samuel Anderson, Brian & Jeanette Chaffee, Katie Lindman, Thomas Grimes, Leif Anderson, Paul Tombarge, Amanda Berg, Jesse Gorzynski, Nick Holten.

Prayers for Those Expecting the Arrival of a Child:

Chad and Theresa Goodsell, Stacy & Kip Childers, Landon & Mara Ascheman, Jon & Kylla Hummel.

Prayers of Thanksgiving for the Arrival of a Child:

Joel born to Kate & Brent Fairman 5/4/20

Celeste Zylka born to Nikki & Anthony Tushar 4/24/20

Orion Bailey Truchinski son of Kristen Truchinski & Sean Hoppes 4/5/20

Maisie Jean to Isaac & Kaitlyn Johnson 3/27/20

Adler Michael to Phil & Lindsay Kagol 2/12/2020

Nathan Scott to Erin & Sam Diedrich 2/7/20

Hannah Lynn & Peter William to Troy & Dana Karkula 1/27/2020

Theodore Loren Meyer to Meagan Bachmayer & Neal Meyer 1/27/20

Colin Thomas to Rebecca and Thomas McConnell 1/3/20

Prayers for Those Recently or Soon to be Baptized:

Aiden Alexander Goodsell, son of Chad and Theresa Goodsell, Audrey Margaret daughter of Nathan & Megan Hladilek, Heidi Marigold daughter of Marin & Michael Waldner, Davy John son of Lisa & Derrick Blanksma.

Prayers for Those Recently or Soon To Be Married:

Rachel Hatteberg & Riley Conroy 6/13/2020

*Jarred Taylor & Hannah Graf 10/3/20

Abby Setterholm & Calder Phillips-Grafflin 10/3/20

Sarah Biessener & Jake Marotz 10/23/20

Christina Luke and Steven Gerlach 11/21/20

Alison Berkas & Andrew Kimble 7/31/21

Dan Spenny & Connie Nelson.

*Wedding at Nativity

Prayers for Those Celebrating Anniversaries:

Paul & Carla Peterson 10 years

Please Note: We strive to list the prayer requests and names correctly. If a correction is needed or you would like a name removed or added please inform the church office at 612.781.2766.