Easter is quickly approaching, and we’re looking forward to celebrating with our community and guests. Easter and Holy Week hospitality opportunities include donating treats for Maundy Thursday or Easter weekend services, setting up the Commons on Holy Saturday, and being on the serving team Easter morning.
Holy Week Volunteering:
Serving Treats on Maundy Thursday 6:30 pm
Setting up for Easter morning on Saturday, April 8th, at 5:30 pm
Serving Treats on Easter Sunday 9:00 am
Serving Treats on Easter Sunday 10:30 am
Providing Treats for Maundy Thursday:
Cheese, Crackers, Fruit, Nuts
Providing Treats for Easter Sunday:
Donut Holes, Decorated Cookies, Nuts
Would you like to contribute treats or help set up/serve? Email Heather Anderson at Heather@NativityChurch.org.