Reaching For You

Worship on Wednesday

This summer join us for worship around the campfire

What kind of things do you reach for?
Can you think of a movie or tv show scene where someone dramatically reaches
our for help and someone grabs them just in time?
See if you can find a scene to watch together

Today’s God’s Great Story is from Job 41:1-8; 42:1-17.

After spending the last few weeks in the story of Job, his story wraps up this
week. Even though he suffered and struggled his faith in God continued. He
trusted in the great redeemer to restore peace to his life and in the end he finds
countless blessings.

Is our story coming to a beautifully wrapped up end life Job’s?
Several time throughout the book Job reaches out his hands to the heavens.
When have you reached out your hands to God? How has he answered?
Listen to Chris Tomlin’s Song “Reaching For You” and discuss how it relates to
Job and you own story. (pay special attention to the pre-chorus!)

Namaste Reaching

“Namaste” means the divine in me recognizes the divine in you.
As a prayer thank God for times someone has recognized the humanity in you
and reached out with the divine in them. (ex, a hug when your grieving) And then
ask God to show you opportunities when the divine in you can reach out to other’s


Reach out and touch each other on the shoulder
and say “Namaste”



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