Worship on Wednesday
This summer join us for worship around the campfire
So how was this summer for your family?
Anything new you tried that you wouldn’t have done if things were “normal”?
Any new ways to celebrate traditions?
churchoffice@nativitychurch.org | 612-781-2766
This summer join us for worship around the campfire
So how was this summer for your family?
Anything new you tried that you wouldn’t have done if things were “normal”?
Any new ways to celebrate traditions?
Today’s God’s Great Story is from 2 Corinthians 4:1-18
In this letter from the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth he reminds us that are
faith is in things that are unseen and that is a precious treasure. This selection of
Scripture is full of reassuring phrases to encourage us to trust in God’s
What phrase stands out to you the most? Share why?
Check out this new song by the worship band I AM THEY called Faithful God and
consider how God’s faithful has been a treasure in your life:
Faithful Scavenger Hunt
Go around your house and find signs that God has been faithful to you and your
family. Offer your findings up to God and thank Him for being faithful.
Cover your eyes and let someone lead you a few steps
and say “trust in the unseen, God is faithful”
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