On Tuesday, April 19, the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Core Team presented their Report & Recommendation to Nativity Council. The Report details the work of the Core Team leading Nativity through its RIC Process for over the past year. The Recommendation includes, among other things, a proposed new RIC Welcome Statement and a motion to become a Reconciling in Christ congregation for Council to consider.
The motion reads:
Therefore, be it resolved that Nativity Lutheran Church, in commitment to racial equity and welcoming, including, celebrating, and advocating for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expression, become a Reconciling in Christ Congregation.
The Council accepted the Core Team’s RIC Report & Recommendation with gratitude and plans to entertain the motion along with the other recommendations at its next meeting on Tuesday, May 17.
As Council prepares to discern this motion and possibly vote on it as a resolution, they welcome your input. If you would like to share your thoughts on the motion for Nativity to become an RIC congregation, you can email Council President Karen Volker at karen.volker@comcast.net.
To read the full RIC Report & Recommendation, CLICK HERE.