Thursdays—Beginning Jan. 4th, 9:30-11:00 am | Nativity Commons & Zoom
Join us in the new year as we begin a new book: Love Without Limits: Jesus’ Radical Vision for Love with No Exceptions by Jacqueline A. Bussie. The love of God crosses all boundaries. Every. Single. One. In Love Without Limits, Bussie imparts practical solutions for people of faith who yearn to love across division and difference in these troubled times. Bussie challenges readers to answer God’s call to practice a love so deep it subverts the social order, so radical it scandalizes the powerful, so vast it excludes no one. All are welcome to join us. We will meet both in person and on Zoom. To join via Zoom or share questions, contact Jules Bonde at madjules@gmail.com.