Join us for three days of service and celebration hosted by various communities of faith in the Twin Cities, including Nativity.
Additional updates and sign-up available HERE.
Day 1: CommUNITY Day of Service
Minneapolis Central Church of Christ (1922 4th Ave. N. in Minneapolis)
Saturday from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm
Individuals and partnered organizations are invited to join Sister Bettie and the work of Harrison Neighbors at Minneapolis Central Church of Christ for a day of service. At MCCC, they understand that it’s difficult to nourish the soul when the body is hungry. That’s why they dedicate every Saturday and a large majority of their services to feeding those who are hungry. They collect and distribute diapers as well as package boxes of food for individuals and families. For health and safety reasons, volunteers must sign up ahead of time for a slot. Many thanks!
Day 2: CommUNITY Meal
Redeemer Lutheran Church (1800 Glenwood Ave. in Minneapolis)
Sunday at 12:00 pm
We’re hosting an open meal for any and all who need this time to be fed and feel connected! To make this community meal happen, we would love to know who would be willing and able to contribute by bringing dishes to be shared and/or donating funding to have this event catered by local businesses. Contact Kelly Sherman-Conroy at Kelly@NativityChurch.org.
Day 3: CommUNITY Celebration Service
Redeemer Lutheran Church (1800 Glenwood Ave. in Minneapolis)
Monday at 2:00 pm
Enjoy a featured artists Art Sale that will be available online on Saturday and in person on Sunday. We conclude on Monday with a UNITY Celebration at Redeemer that will be filled with music, poetry, art and prayer. Both scheduled artists and open mic opportunities will happen! We’ll use a variation of the World Council of Churches Week of Christian Unity Worship Service written by Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy, Nativity’s Director of Public Ministry.
Have questions about the events or looking to get involved? Contact Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy at Kelly@NativityChurch.org.