This month we highlight our Hunger & Food Outreach Ministries at Nativity. March is also Minnesota Food Share Month. Learn more at gmcc.org/minnesota-foodshare.
March Donation Drives
Throughout the month, our Hunger & Food Outreach Ministries will be coordinating drives to support hunger relief in our local area.
Donate fresh and non-perishable foods by the Welcome Desk.
Consider making a monetary donation. Our local Food Shelf Partners can stretch our donations dollars further than we can! We support both Little Kitchen and Salvation Army Need Food Shelves in NE Minneapolis. Checks can be made to Nativity with “Food Share” or “Hunger Outreach” in the Memo Line.
Paper Grocery Bags
Little Kitchen Food Shelf needs paper bags for clients to carry their food items home. Bring your paper grocery bags to the bin by the Welcome Desk, and one of our volunteers will deliver them to Little Kitchen.
Hunger Outreach Events & Initiatives
This month Nativity Hunger Outreach is also hosting the following events, campaigns, and drives for volunteers:
Feed My Starving Children
Feed My Starving Children partners with other relief organizations around the world to alleviate hunger. Nativity is hosting two Feed My Starving Children packing events at the Coon Rapids FMSC facility: March 2 (full) and March 6. To sign up for the March 6th event, contact Renee Hoffman at Renee@NativityChurch.org.
Bread for the World
All are invited to participate in a Bread for the World Letter Writing Campaign at Nativity before and after all worship services on Saturday March 16th, and Sunday March 17th. For more information, please email Sue Sorenson, suesorenson@yahoo.com
Meals on Wheels
Nativity has long partnered with Eastside Meals on Wheels to deliver nutritious meals to grateful clients in our community. Recently, a few of our long-time drivers have retired from their roles, and we’re looking for 3-4 drivers along with a new coordinator to continue this vital ministry. Nativity drivers deliver meals 14 times throughout the year on Fridays, and it can all be done over your lunch hour (approximately 11:15am – 12:15pm)! The coordinator schedules Nativity drivers. Contact Laura Oksnevad at loksnevad@gmail.com.
Little Kitchen
The Nativity Community staffs the Little Kitchen Food Shelf (1500 6th St NE, Minneapolis) every Thursday evening from 5:45 pm-7:30 pm. This past year Little Kitchen Food Shelf has seen a significant uptick in the number of clients needing food each week. Volunteering is flexible, with most volunteers filling one shift per month. If you’d like to learn more, contact Allison Woodwick (allisonwoodwick@gmail.com) or Tina Wyffels (twyffels@bkbm.com)
Nourish 282
Nativity supports a formal relationship with our local Nourish 282 to supply food and resources to children and families in our local school district! Keep an eye out for engaging ways to support our partnership with them this month and in the months ahead!