Journeying through Holy Week


Whether you physically come to in-person worship or participate virtually, we are asking the Nativity community to intentionally commit to journeying through the Holy Week story and experience together. The worship services build upon one another all the way to Jesus’ death on the cross, making the celebration of the good news of his resurrection all the more powerful at Easter worship.

This Lenten season we explored the theme, “Finding the Words.” As we move into Holy Week, we reflect on a few key words our scripture readings offer, Finding Ourselves in the drama of the Holy Week journey.

Palm Weekend:
The Plea: “HOSANNA”
Like the Jerusalem crowds, we respond to the promise of Jesus changing things for the better with “Hosanna,” Lord save us.

Maundy Thursday:
The Gift: “THIS IS ME”
Jesus tells the disciples, “This Is Me,” in the bread and the wine and in his humanity. How do we receive Jesus?

Good Friday:
The Rejection: “CRUCIFY”
In the Good Friday story, we join with the crowd gathered around Jesus, moving from Hosanna to Crucify because God has seemingly disappointed us.

According to Mark, the women at the tomb had no words in response to finding it empty. What do we say when facing the possibility of Life after death? We Hope So. This is an honest response to something beyond our comprehension. Like the women at the tomb, we often don’t have words, but we know the Promise.