We’re excited that, for the first time in three years, Holy Week worship services are being offered in person once again at Nativity. If you haven’t returned to the building for in-person worship in a while, Holy Week is a great time to consider doing so.
Whether you physically come to in-person worship or participate virtually, we are asking the Nativity community to intentionally commit to journeying through the Holy Week story and experience together. The worship services build upon one another as we journey with Jesus through the Holy Week story all the way to his death on the cross, making the celebration of the good news of his resurrection all the more powerful at Easter worship.
Palm Sunday Weekend – April 9-10
We remember Jesus entering Jerusalem by waving palms and singing our Hosannas.
Maundy Thursday (April 14) & Good Friday (April 15) – 11:45 am & 7:00 pm
We remember Jesus giving us the sacrament of Holy Communion and a new commandment to love as he had, before being arrested, suffering, and dying on the cross.
Easter Sunday Weekend – April 16-17
Saturday Easter Worship 5:30 pm
Sunday Easter Worship 9:00 am & 10:30 am
We will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and the new life given to us through this year’s Easter theme: “New Life Together, Celebrating Community”
Let us commit to journeying through Holy Week and Easter together as Nativity.