We’re grateful for another round of successful service and learning trips this summer—the first with our middle schoolers (25 students and 5 adults), who traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the second with our high schoolers (19 students, plus 5 adults), who left a week later for Nashville, Tennessee. Both groups had an amazing experience, serving at multiple sites worshipping and praying together, and exploring the two cities.
From Heather Anderson, who accompanied the High School Service & Learning Trip:
“We grew as individuals and as a community as we explored the depths of God’s love. We worked with multiple agencies in the area. One is Soles4Souls, an organization that turns unwanted shoes and clothing into opportunity by keeping them from going to waste and putting them to good use.
Another organization we volunteered at during the trip was Project C.U.R.E.–the world’s largest distributor of donated medical supplies, equipment, and services to doctors and nurses in 135 countries. At both sites, our teams sorted donations and prepared them for shipping. Everyone on the trip loved the experience and felt good about the difference we made.
You can learn more about the organizations our youth served by visiting soles4souls.org and projectcure.org. Thank you, Nativity, for your care and support!”