Dear Friends,
It’s a new day. The world has changed, and Nativity is meeting it. Future Church is the theme of our fall Stewardship Appeal.
Through a substantive process of discernment and listening—in large part from the Congregational Survey this past May—Nativity staff and leadership have a fresh vision for ministry for 2023 and beyond. We are excited about opportunities to invite people into a loving relationship with Jesus Christ, to reengage with one another, and for lives to be changed through God’s work in our community.
In this fall appeal, we want to increase the culture of giving for two reasons: 1) because generosity is an important faith habit that God wants each of us to grow in, and 2) because additional funds are required to move into new mission areas where we sense God’s calling.
In the weeks ahead, you will hear about the exciting ministry plans for 2023. Newsletter articles, bulletin inserts, videos, emails, letters, and a brochure will inform you of what we have accomplished together in 2022 and what our plans are for the coming year. You will be invited to consider your own finances and what you might be able to commit to—both in automating your giving (being more planful), and in taking a step of faith to increase your giving. Please give this prayerful consideration and respond as God leads you.
Then, on Sunday, November 13, we will respond by presenting our pledges (or “Statements of Intent”) in worship. You may also return them online or through the mail. Members and friends from whom a response has not been received by November 20 will be contacted to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to present their offering plan for 2023.
We all walk our individual journeys of generosity. We invite you to consider what the next step of that journey involves for you.
Thank you for being part of Nativity at such an exciting time. I encourage you to pray for our work together as we continue to answer God’s call to share the good news!
Glenn Seefeldt
Senior Pastor, Nativity Lutheran Church