Nativity Community Update, Pastor Glenn Seefeldt, March 18, 2020
What a week we have been through. Life as we know it is changing by the minute, and with all the changes, my daily routines and habits had to be adjusted resulting on an emotional roller coaster.
In my message this weekend, I will speak about what really matters when life is turned upside down. How do we find our new normal?
In our reading from Mark 12:28-34, life in Jerusalem was on edge, unpredictable and uncertain. A scribe approached Jesus and asked “Teacher, in these uncertain times, what really matters?” The answer, “Love God and Love Neighbor” (currently from a distance).
With life in the US on edge, unpredictable and uncertain, what is most important? How do we find our new normal? Connect with Nativity at our March 21st, 5:30pm and March 22nd, 10:30am live stream and find out more.