Fall Family Faith Formation – Sept 26 & 27
Join us each week as a family to have fun together with God’s great stories!
Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all!
Welcome Videos
Start by picking a Welcome Video from Miss Karla for Grades 1-4
or Miss Renee for littles-Kindergartners or watch both!!
Worship Together
Share in some faith practices of worship together!
Shine a Light: Light a candle or find a flashlight. Take turns saying, “Jesus is the light of the world!”
Sing Together: This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!
Make an Offering: How will you make an offering today? An offering is not always money. You can also offer your time, support, or creativity to improve the lives of others.
Littles Sing Together: Watch the Welcome Video to learn 2 songs about blankets
Read the Bible Together
Read this week’s God’s Great Story in the children’s Bible for you child’s age.
Frolic Bible (received at Baptism) “Joseph & His Brothers”
Spark Story Bible (received at 3 years old) “Joseph Helps His Family” on page 62
Bible (Adventure Bibles received in 3rd Grade) Genesis 37:3-8 and 18-28, 45:3-5
3 Year Olds and 3rd Graders will receive their New Bibles as part of our Milestone Ministry this fall.
Talk About It!
Have fun asking question for all your family members!
Do you have a special shirt or sweater someone made for you? How about a blanket? How does it make you feel when you wear or hold it?
Today’s story is about Joseph. His dad gave him a special coat to let him know how loved he was. Joseph’s life had lots of ups and downs, but he always knew he was covered in love. So just like a special sweater or blanket covers us with warmth and comfort, we are always covered in God’s love.
Dig Deeper: Do you know what obstacles are? Obstacles are things that get in the way or are hard. Joseph had lots of obstacles. He overcame them by having faith in God and a good attitude. When Joseph had to be a slave, he still tried hard to be good at his work. When he was in jail, he helped others by explaining their dreams. And, even after Joseph’s brothers attacked him and sold him to strangers, he forgave them. What things are especially hard for you? How do you get through it?
Family Activity Choices
Pick activities to do together! Supplies are provided in our Monthly At-Home Kits you picked up at our drive thru events or ask to have delivered to your home.
Activity – Obstacle Course: Make an obstacle course with your family in your home or yard. Use boxes, chairs, cushions, hula hoops, swing sets, etc. to go over, under, around or through. Try it silently, then try it again with your family encouraging you. Which way is more fun?
Activity 2 – Joseph’s Coat: Use the “coat” sheet and fancy paper from your monthly drive thru kit or CLICK HERE to print the coat worksheet. Fill in Joseph’s colorful coat with decorative paper, markers, washi tape, colored pencils etc.
Click HERE Family Activity Worksheets and Coloring Pages!
Click HERE for Frolic Activities for Littles!
Pray Together
“Dear God, You helped Joseph forgive his brothers. Please help us to be forgiving. Help us put away our hurts and look for the good in others and ourselves. Amen.”
Bless Each Other
At the end of your time, give each other a special blessing to remember one of God’s promises.
Wrap each other in a special blanket and say “You are covered in God’s love!”