Fall Family Faith Formation – Sept 25
Join us each week to explore and experience God’s Great Stories!
Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all!
Welcome Video
Worship Together
Share in some faith practices of worship together!
Shine a Light: Turn on a book light or reading lamp and say, “Jesus is the light of the world!”
Giving Thanks: Sing or say: Thank you God, for giving us life. Thank you God, for giving us life. Thank you God, for giving us life. Right where we are! Alleluia, praise the Lord! Alleluia, praise the Lord! Alleluia, praise the Lord! Right where we are! (Add in your own ideas of things you are thankful for!)
Offering: How can you make an offering today?
Read the Bible Together
Frolic Bible Abraham and Sarah / Spark Story Bible Abram’s Call
Genesis 12:1-5, 13:14-17, 14:5
Talk About It!
Digging Deeper (great topics for Upper Elementary): How is Abram and Sarai’s move like starting a new school or moving to a new classroom? How is it different? How is your school year going so far? What do you like? What don’t you like?
Family Activity Choices
Pick activities to do together!
Activity 1: Counting Stars Go outside together at night or look at a picture of the night sky. Try to count the stars! Isn’t God’s universe amazing? Thank God for the amazing universe and blessings like stars.
Activity 2: Counting Dust Gather a handful of sand or dirt. Can you count each grain? Of course not! Make your sand or dirt into a piece of art by gluing it to a half square of paper. On the other half, paint or color the water at the shore or flowers growing up from the dirt. Water and flowers are just two of God’s many blessings.
Activity 3 (for little littles): Sing Twinkle Twinkle, then try it this new way adding each family members name:
Twinkle twinkle [name] star / What a blessing from God you are
Made so special from God on high / Shine so bright you light up the sky
Pray Together
“Dear God, Bless us and help us learn during this new school year. Be with us as we work, play, and grow. Amen.”
Bless Each Other
At the end of your time, give each other a special blessing to remember one of God’s promises.
Trace a star on each other’s hands and say “You are a blessing”