Duck, Duck, Mommy Duck!
Join Miss Renee at the Duck Pond (where we only saw swans…)
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms, Grandmas, Aunties, Sisters, Daycare Moms, & EVERYONE (even sometime Dads, Uncles & Papas) who share God’s snuggly, nurturing love 🙂
Music Time
Sing “If You’re Happy and You Know It ” Mom verses:
- Give your mom a hug
- Boop your mom’s nose
- Give a high five
- Dance together
Sing “Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes”
“Joy of the Lord”
Story Time
Read “Many Members, One Body” in the Spark Story Bible on page 428
Story Playtime!
Play Duck, Duck, Mommy Duck (add in swan or grey duck but NEVER goose :P)
In our story today, Paul tries to help a church understand that even though we’re all a little different, we are all better when we’re together, just like the different parts of our bodies. Same thing in our families, everyone of you make up a special family that wouldn’t be the same without you. Parents, share what is special about each of your kids.
Kids, celebrate the special role your mom/grandma has in your family by filling out an All About My Mom Worksheet (makes a fun keepsake too!)
All About Mom & Grandma Worksheet
We Need More Letters!!
Let’s send a little love in mail to each other! Use the Letter Worksheet or make your own drawing to send to a friend in class. You can even use a cutout heart! Make sure you sign it “From [your name]”. Then take a picture and email to renee@nativitychurch.org. We’ll print it out and mail it to someone in our class. Then keep an eye on your mailbox for a letter to come to you!
Families with Babies & Toddlers
We’ve run out of stories in the Frolic Bible for the year, so enjoy one of our Frolic Story Books and activities about Paul’s encouragement that God made everyone special the way they are!
If you’d like a copy of this book, we’d love to send you one! Email us at renee@nativitychurch.org
Click HERE to download color & activity sheets!
Pray Together
Dear God, thank you for loving me like a mom!
Bless Each Other
Add “Bless your mom” to the If You’re Happy and You Know It and give each other the sign of the cross on the forehead