Kings & Prophets
Our journey together this year is exploring God’s Big Story in the Old Testament! In our first unit, we looked at the Beginning stories of God’s Creation in the first part of Genesis. In our second unit, we then explored the second part of Genesis where we learned about some of the first leaders and families in the Bible. Last unit, we were in the book of Exodus and learned about Moses and the Israelites. Now, we are headed into the Kings & Prophets section of the Bible and will learn about the Israelites after they entered the promised land.
It is encouraged that families watch the videos, read the texts, reflect on the summaries, respond to the questions and pray together. However, Club 56 participants can also do this on their own- you might need a journal for journaling some thoughts!
Find your Club 56 Candle (or a Candle) that you can light.
Invocation: the act of inviting or welcoming or acknowledging that God is present in our space.
As you light your candle, say this invocation out loud: “I light this candle in the name of God, our Creator; Jesus, our Savior; and the Holy Spirit, our Inspirer. The three in one!”
Connect Video
Get a taste of this week’s theme by watching ONE of these videos!
Kingdom Video
Reflection Questions:
- How would you define unfaithfulness? How is it different from doubt?
- Why does Solomon’s unfaithfulness affect all of Israel?
- Who are some bad or unfaithful leaders you’ve experienced or heard about? What are the effects of their leadership?
Connect is a curriculum from SPARK that is specifically designed for 5th and 6th graders.
Read, Reflect & Respond
Take some time to dig in deep to the Bible!
Need a Bible? Contact Leah M!
Read the Text: 1 Kings 11:9-13
Decide where you think Solomon turned away from God. Draw a wedge there.
Reflect on the Summary:
“When King Solomon completed the temple, God blessed it. But God also reminded Solomon that he must follow God’s rules. Solomon didn’t listen to God. This passage is God’s judgment on King Solomon, and his father, David. Solomon was a gifted leader, but he did not lead the people in faithfulness to God. For Solomon, the faith of Israel was only one facet of his leadership. Because Israel was already a divided people in their hearts, God decided to divide their land. Solomon and Israel’s unfaithfulness toward God led God to divide the Israelites into two separate kingdoms: Israel and Judah.
Our relationship to God is the place from which everything else in our life flows. Brokenness in our relationship with God leads to breakdowns in our human relationships. Sin is pervasive. Unfaithfulness destroys our sense of belonging to God and when we no longer feel a sense of belonging to God or one another, we live separated, estranged, and divided from what matters most.”
Respond to the Questions:
- Why is faithfulness to God so important?
- Is obeying God easy or hard for you? Why?
Remember (Club 56 Binder)
Our Club 56 Binders are for taking notes and helping us remember details in God’s Big Story!
Need a binder? Contact Leah M.
Get out your Club 56 Binder and find the green page with the Wedge (labeled Kingdoms). Find the paragraph about why we are using a wedge to remember this story and read about it!
In the box or by the object, write important key words, people, events or notes that you want to remember about the first text you read.
Need help? Revisit the texts we explored today or read the paragraph at the bottom of the paper.
Get out your Torn Paper Cross instructions and piece of paper. Make a cross by following the instructions.
As you make this cross reflect on how God turns ripped, broken and destroyed things into beautiful things! God loves us even when we mess up. God loves us even when our actions have consequences that may hurt others. And we know these things because of Jesus, who came to earth to teach us about God and then died on the cross to take away our sins.
“God who leads us,
Thank You for always forgiving us when we mess up. We know we are not perfect and make mistakes. We hope that you will continue to guide us to make good decisions and forgive people around us that make mistakes.
In your name,
It’s time to blow out or turn off your candle and go on with your day with a blessing.
Benediction: a blessing that sends you out on your day!
As you turn off your candle, bless the people in your home by saying,” May God bless you and keep you, may God’s face shine upon you and may God always go with you and give you peace!”
Quoted texts are revised from:
Connect Leader Guide. Unit 4—Kings & Prophets: Kingdoms. wearesparkhouse.org © 2013 sparkhouse. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced for local use only provided each copy carries this notice.