Dear Nativity Community,
Today I’m sharing a message from our Director of Music Ministry, Bex Gaunt:
“Today you heard me preach on the boldness and vulnerability of Ruth and the Canaanite Woman. I am leaning on the spirit of these women as I share some bittersweet news. This last week, I accepted an offer to become the new Director of Contemporary and World Liturgical Music at the Basilica in Minneapolis. My last weekend here at Nativity will be next weekend, September 3rd and 4th.
I realize this may come as a surprise. Trust me, I am feeling the shock myself. This opportunity seemingly fell in my lap as I was contacted out of nowhere and encouraged to apply. I was not looking for another job because I have been very happy and proud to be a part of this community at Nativity. But directing at the Basilica is an opportunity I knew I needed to take seriously – especially now that Zack and I have a baby boy on the way (due in January).
While at Nativity, I have had the privilege to work alongside an incredible staff and amazing musicians; I have learned much in my time here and am grateful for all the ways you have supported me in my ministry. I will always be proud of everything that we have accomplished together.
Ultimately, this is a big step for my career and the rarest opportunities. I never imagined leaving Nativity so soon, and that part of me is heartbroken. Still, I can’t help but think of the prophetic message that Boaz offered to Ruth when she stepped out boldly in faith. And it’s a message for all of us during this swift transition: “Do not be afraid.”
And so, I offer the prayer that I sang here exactly a year ago when we first met – The Prayer of Good Courage. Will you pray with me?
‘O God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us. Amen.*’”
Today we’re sad to know Bex will be leaving Nativity, but we celebrate with her as she prepares for this new opportunity. We’re deeply grateful for the many gifts of her ministry to our community, and we offer our heartfelt blessings for her next chapter.
We’re planning special hospitality to honor Bex next weekend following all worship hours. We’ll also have cards available at the Welcome Desk where you can share a personal note with her. For those who would like to send an electronic message, you can send it to GauntMusic@gmail.com.
Please know that Nativity leadership is already planning for the transition and will keep the community apprised as those details come together. As is the Nativity tradition, we’ll continue to offer exceptional music ministry in the interim.
In faith,
Pastor Glenn Seefeldt
*Lutheran Book of Worship copyright © 1978 Augsburg Fortress Press.