Christian Nationalism: Why Speaking Against It Matters & How We Can Respond
Two-Part Series for Sunday Adult Faith Formation Hour
January 14 & 21, 9:00 am | Fellowship Hall and Zoom (link below)
Pastor Rolf Olson is a Visitation Pastor at Roseville Lutheran Church and has served several congregations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. He has been doing Christian Nationalism presentations for the past year at over 30 congregations in the Twin Cities area. Pastor Olson shares that American Christians have always struggled with the relationship between church and state. In recent years the alignment between right-wing politics and Christianity has taken on a new intensity. The language and symbols of Christianity used in the Christian Nationalist movement are deceiving many and harming both our faith and democracy.
Zoom Link for January 21st Session with Pastor Rolf Olson
Topic: Anti-Christian Nationalism Work on the Parish Level (Session 2)
Time: Jan 21, 2024 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Christian Nationalism: Next Step Opportunities
January 17, 6:30 pm | Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church, 511 Groveland Ave., Minneapolis, MN, 55403
The Nativity community has had the opportunity the last couple months to learn at several adult forums about Christian Nationalism. A smaller group has formed since these Nativity adult forums to help answer the question “What next steps can we take?”.
Nativity is joining with other concerned congregations in the Twin Cities for this meeting on January 17 at Hennepin Ave Methodist Church. The focus of the meeting will be to discuss the formation of a Christians Against Christian Nationalism Minnesota Chapter. Mark your calendars and look for more details as well as a chance to carpool as we get closer to the date.
Another important step any of us can take individually is to support and share with others grassroot organizations that are fighting Christian Nationalism to counter the highly organized and well-funded Christian Nationalist organizations. Three such organizations that are doing a great job with this are: Faithful America, Christians Against Christian Nationalism, and Americans United.