The Global Outreach Team at Nativity has an on-going relationship with the people of Kapcheptoror Village in western Kenya. In recent months, the team has been able to address sanitation and female hygiene needs in the Village. Funding has been provided to help build three toilets as a self-help project. Local workers are engaged in doing small construction projects, thereby helping the local economy and providing sanitation facilities.
In addition, the Days for Girls team at Nativity sews female hygiene supplies for girls at the village school. In addition to financial resources collected at Nativity, the Global Outreach projects are supported by Rotary International with matching funds and Thrivent Financial Action grants. Thank you to the Nativity community for your support of these projects and to all who help with these impactful initiatives.
Interested in being part of Global Outreach? Contact Steve or Nancy Laible at: laible@comcast.net.