The Nativity community is deeply grieved by the killing of George Floyd and the actions and inaction of the four, now former, Minneapolis Police Officers that were responsible. God calls us “to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God”. George Floyd was the victim of injustice, denied the dignity and value that all human life deserves, and kindness and humility did not prevail Monday night at the 3700 block of Chicago Ave S. Jesus calls us to love one another as he loves us, and so, in love, we pray for George Floyd’s family and friends, for the former officers and their families, and for the black community who’ve endured yet another unjust killing at the hands of individuals who were supposed to serve and protect them. In the coming weeks, Nativity will be discerning how our faith community will respond to this horrific event that took place in our city. We invite you to join us and prayerfully discern how you might respond as we collectively work to remedy the systemic racism in our community. The lives of all God’s children matter. George Floyd’s life mattered. To our siblings in the Black community, your lives matter; the issues that impact you will not be discarded. May we continue to work toward the day when we love one another the way Christ loves us. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy.