On May 4th, The Dragonfly Project celebrated 22 years of spreading our mission of hope. We’re grateful to Nativity for providing space for our event and continuing to be our mission partner in sharing this message of hope for those who are grieving. Grief is a big experience and deserves our attention and love way beyond the funeral.
Also, thank you to all those who helped us stuff Dragonfly cards and keychains during our packet assembly event on Memorial Day weekend. We assembled 883 packets! Approximately 25 people, including young children, participated in the event. The children were so focused and helpful!
Remember that every keychain you touch and every card you fold eventually ends up in someone’s mailbox, carrying hope with it. We hear from so many recipients who say “That card came at just the right time” or “It meant so much that strangers cared about my loss.” So, a BIG DRAGONFLY THANK YOU to NATIVITY!