Worship on Wednesday

This summer join us around for worship the campfire

What are your family’s 4th of July traditions?
What are you not able to do this year?
What are you going to do instead?

Today’s God’s Great Story is from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Their city was in a bit
of an uproar as well and this is what the Apostle Paul instructed them to do in
uncertain time ”Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all
circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

How are you feeling about celebrating America?
How to we wave flags and sing some when we may not feel that proud of where
we are as a country?
Where can we see hope? What can we celebrate?
How can we live up to those words of Paul’s as followers of Jesus?

Five Finger Prayer

Use the prayer method on the following page to guide you in praying for those closest to us, those that point our way, those that leads, those that are weakest amongst up, and ourselves as we as God to guide us through these unsettles times and how we all can lend a hand in healing our land.


Light a sparkler (are a candle) and sing This Little Light of Mine together to remind
you that God’s light come in all forms, even fun ones!




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