Responding to Racism


The death of George Floyd was senseless and the world is outraged by this act of violence against a black man. This tragedy is a call for all of us to act: talk about the death of George openly and honestly, talk about the violence against people of color, talk about racism in our community, our state, and our country, talk about white supremacy and privilege. Please pray, asking for God’s Spirit of Justice to guide us.

There are short term emergency needs that you can help with.  Nativity leaders are working with our Minneapolis Area Synod to use our volunteers and our donations wisely, honoring and respecting the needs, the desires and leadership of people of color. If you would like to volunteer please go to and sign up.  If you would like to donate please go to and mark your donation local relief.

The challenge of dismantling systemic racism requires the long view. Nativity will be working on this for years to come and the goals we develop now and their resulting programs will need to be sustainable in order to effect change. Nativity Staff, Council and Outreach teams, especially our Racial Equity and Justice Ministry Team, will come together to plan and set sustainable goals.  For more information about the Racial Equity and Justice Ministry Team go to:

During the month of June, our weekend worship will focus on systemic racism, our part and our action. Please join us online www.nativitychurch/worship/live-stream