DAY 60: Resources on Grief and Trauma, Hope and Healing

We continue our reflection on God’s call to us through the ELCA’s “60-Day Journey Toward Justice in a Culture of Gun Violence.”

DAY 60: Resources on Grief and Trauma, Hope and Healing
• Jennifer Ohman-Rodriguez, “Grief With No Warning,” Living Lutheran, May 15, 2017.
• Karen A. McClintock, When Trauma Wounds: Pathways to Healing and Hope, Fortress Press: 2019.
• Courtney M. Armstrong, Transforming Traumatic Grief: Six Steps to Move From Grief to Peace After the Sudden or Violent Death of a Loved One, Artemecia Press: 2011.
• ELCA social message, “Suicide Prevention.”
• Brent D. Christianson, Good Grief: The Complete Set, Fortress Press: 2019. July 29.

“So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest-time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all” (Galatians 6:9-10a).

The work of preventing gun violence began long ago in our church and communities and will continue far beyond these 60 days of posts until it bears fruit—lasting, life-nourishing fruit! Continue to engage in, support, and partner with others in advocating for prevention and an end to gun violence by searching, becoming involved with ELCA Advocacy, subscribing to ELCA Advocacy News and Alerts, contacting your synod office, talking to your ecumenical neighbors, and partnering with local community leaders and organizations.

This is an important time to seek out, create, and share resources and ideas—together. As bearers of God’s hope, healing, and justice in the world, we keep moving forward: persistent, active, and committed to ending gun violence for the sake of protecting God’s gift of life and fostering safe, caring communities everywhere.