We continue our reflection on God’s call to us through the ELCA’s “60-Day Journey Toward Justice in a Culture of Gun Violence.”
DAY 45: Love and Peace in the Midst of Violence
“In response to increasing acts of violence, Americans witness and experience a range of emotions. Fear, sadness, anger, and mistrust are strongly felt in communities across the country. Each time news emerges of another shooting, whether against law enforcement officers or against civilians, we struggle to process what happened and how to respond. In July, the
president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, wrote, ‘People are suffering because their uniform is blue, suffering because their skin is black and suffering simply because of their station in life.’ In light of this suffering, it is important to look at what can be done to promote peace, address racial tensions, and create a culture that values all people.”
From “Love & Peace in the Midst of Violence,” Michigan Catholic Conference, August 19, 2016.