Greetings from the Nativity Call Committee! As a reminder, Nativity is in the process of calling a pastor to join Pastor Glenn as a co-leader of our congregation, with an eye to the future where Glenn can retire to a reduced role. The Call Committee is charged with vetting candidates and eventually submitting a final candidate for consideration by the Church Council and congregational membership.
I’m here to tell you that the Nativity Call Committee is open and ready for business!
The members are Gail Bergsven, Mark Blaede, Michelle Gustafson DeLaune, Laura Oksnevad, Pastor Glenn Seefeldt, Keith Setterholm and Donna Steinwand.
We’ve met with our representative from the Minneapolis Synod’s Bishop’s staff, Pastor John Hulden. He clarified the call process for us and will continue to guide us throughout our work as we select a new pastor. Pastor Hulden said our charge is to listen to God, listen to the worshiping community, and listen to the community.
We’ve submitted the Ministry Site Profile to the synod, which helps us describe our ministry and congregation, and perhaps most importantly, our plans, hopes and dreams for the future. It helps candidates know who we are, what we’re all about and where we’re going.
Our next step is to finalize some information, including the names of potential candidates brought forward to us from members of the congregation. If you, as a member of this congregation, have someone you would like to recommend for this pastor position, please contact Donna Steinwand at 651-233-6184 (call or text). This information is due by the end of September.
We promise to share as much information as we can, understanding that some of our work is confidential and won’t be shared.
We ask the congregation of Nativity to support us in prayer, asking for guidance and discernment in this process.
Thank you, Nativity!
Call Committee: Gail Bergsven, Mark Blaede, Michelle Gustafson DeLaune, Laura Oksnevad, Pastor Glenn Seefeldt, Keith Setterholm and Donna Steinwand.