A message from Leah Reddy.
Fifth Sunday in Lent: This week we’ll explore a part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount called the Beatitudes.
Worship Time:
This Little Light of Mine: If you are able, light a candle to remind yourselves that Jesus is the light of the world. Jesus is with you, and Jesus is in you. Let your light shine!
Offering: Will you make an offering today? We’re filling an ELCA Good Gifts box!
Thank You, God
Lord’s Prayer
You may recall Lent means “lengthening,” as in, the days are getting longer. In the church, Lent is a 40-day period beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter. Lent is a time for reflection, service, humility and prayer. This year during Lent, our pastors would like us to examine our faith habits. This week we’re examining…spiritual conversation. Sound daunting? It doesn’t have to be. Try this!
- Complete the sentence “Happiness is…”
- Would you consider your answer to be a blessing?
- What is a blessing? Is it different from happiness?
Read the Bible
Locate Matthew 5:1-12 and read together.There are a lot of big words in this passage, but Jesus’ message is clear and simple. When we hold God in our hearts, we are blessed with God’s peace, strength and joy. We are part of God’s kingdom, and that is truly a blessing.
God, help us to remember that your goodness and love follow us everywhere. You are our greatest blessing. Amen.
Craft to Prepare for Palm Sunday
Step 1: Watch Our Palm Craft video
Step 2: Download the Palm Branch pdf
Step 3: Record your family waving your completed palm branches.
Make sure to hold your phone horizontally!
Step 4: Text (don’t email) your video to renee@nativitychurch.org.